Journal Feature Request
This is for requests to be featured on Startup Journal's latest issue.
Startup Journal Rules
In order to submit a request to be featured within Startup Journal you need to follow these requirements:
- Have an innovative, or disruptive startup
- Be a registered member of Startup Networks
- Have attended a networking event on on the platform
- Provide as much information as possible about your startup and your story
- Have some content to start off with - ideally a press release of some sort
1 topic in this forum
- 0 replies
Please use this format to ensure that your startup journal is featured, gathering research data is difficult - so please lend a hand and provide us with some ground work to help get your feature going! This is an example journal feature request: Founder Name: Startup Name: Your Website: Your LinkedIn Your Company LinkedIn: 100 - 250 Words About Yourself: 100 - 250 Words About Your Startup: Are you raising?: If so, how much are you raising?: Your Email: Your Contact Number: