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My Experience at The Startup Events in February

Embarking on a journey into the realm of professional networking can be both exhilarating and nerve-wracking, particularly for someone new to the scene. As an intern at The Startup event, I recently had the opportunity to witness this firsthand at our Networking event.

As the countdown to the event began, everyone on the team buzzed with anticipation. From coordinating logistics to crafting marketing materials, every task contributed to the seamless execution of this program. As an intern, I found myself immersed in a whirlwind of activity, eager to make my mark on the success of the event.

I was glad to be a part to help organise the venue and turn it into a space where people could come in to make meaningful connections.We were all thrilled to have more 350 attendees join us for this occasion. Welcoming guests with a smile and helping them get registered, I witnessed the diverse array of professionals eager to connect, learn, and engage. In a matter of minutes the venue was bustling with smiling faces, enthusiastic to share their thoughts and make new relations, Energy filled the room as people keenly put forward their thoughts and ideas, sharing diverse views on success in their budding businesses.Β 

A natural introvert, I feared that I might miss out on the opportunity to network, but everyone including the founders made us feel at ease, it felt like something I’d done so many times before.Β 

Over 15 professionals got a chance to pitchΒ  their business ideas. As I heard all the pitches at the event, it really made me realise how passionate everyone present was about what they are doing.Β 

It was an honour to witness all the following pitches:

  • Jane Fisher – Imii

  • Isabella Mandich - Localmealapp

  • Shabazz L. Graham Graham - Qcast

  • Natalie Dinning - Lesleys Sauces

  • Ovi O.-Β  Cosmetricsai

  • Catherine Ann Reid - Doqit

  • Misi Chanel Ogunlana Africa - The Fashion Blueprint

  • Claire Human Milk Clothing & Accessories

  • Lauren O'Donnell - Oatsu

  • Vaibhav Pandey - Careermocha

  • Arup Gosh - @BlitzFin

  • Chloe Smith - Tuft App

  • Georgia Bondy - Well-Adapt

  • Alexandru Muresan- @Charge Social

  • Andrey Lopantsev - AMC - Asteroidminingcorporation

  • Olivia Todd- Jumbl

  • Jayshan Ratnakumar Stance Fitness

  • Antoine Rondelet - Ganddee

  • Katie Lips- Eatiful

I found all of the ideas that drove these individuals and their startups very inspiring. The most rewarding part was when the Guest Speakers shared their insights and personal experience. I remember Perdie Alder, CCO of Hotbed saying β€œCelebrate your little wins.”, and this really made a strong impression on me as she focused on how we only celebrate our big wins and forget about just how important those small wins are to get to where we stand today. Hearing how nothing comes easy from every Guest Speaker helped me grow more adamant about my own career.

I witnessed firsthand the magic of forging new relationships. Interning offered an invaluable source of hands-on experience and exposure to the intricacies of event management and networking dynamics, which for me put in stark relief how networking is so much more than just getting connected on social media platforms, it’s about making an impactful impression in-person and finding connections with like-minded people. It’s about nurturing these relationships beyond a single event.Β 

I didn’t only make connections with professionals, but also found new friends among my fellow interns. From orchestrating logistics to witnessing connections unfold before my eyes, the experience reaffirmed the importance of networking in fostering collaboration, growth, and opportunity.

I’m very grateful to have witnessed this event by The Startup Events. If you’re looking for an opportunity to network and promote your business, do follow them on LinkedIn as they keep posting about upcoming events. Make sure you check out their podcast on Spotify as it’s super informative if you want to learn more on how to grow your business. They also have a course which is filling up really quick on β€œHow to β€œBuild your Business in 6-weeks”, they have all the information you need on their website Β so make sure to check it out as well!

As I continue my internship journey, I carry with me the invaluable lessons learned from my first ever networking event, waiting keenly for the next opportunity to build more treasured connections.

Edited by Rushika Shirish


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