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  • Startup Networks - Online Startup Forum, Built by founders, for founders.

    Are you interested in becoming a verified supplier in our supplier directory?

    We have the marketplace where everyone can post a thread about their organisation, or service - but, the supplier directory is for the elite, verified and vetted suppliers in our network who we have partnered with to ensure that the quality is of a standard you can have no reservations about.


    Every service to be verified and vetted by Mentors, or Staff of Startup Networks.

    Your company must be at least 3 years old.

    You must have an active social media presence.

    How Do I Become A Supplier?

    Schedule time in for a call so we can run through the process.

    Calendly Link

    Are There Costs Involved?

    While we grow our supplier directory and community, we have decided that the first 5 suppliers on our platform are free - after this we may revisit, but we want suppliers to have exclusivity over certain categories. We plan on fleshing out multiple categories, so many providers will have their chance, but those who have been with us since day one will be accepted first.

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